What Thanksgiving Is To Me

Thanksgiving varies from family to family; every family has their own traditions and rituals on this holiday. For me all my family comes to my house and we celebrate by having everyone bring a tray of food to share. Foods that my family members bring is ham, tamales, pozole and turkey. Once everyone arrives and the food is ready, we sit down at the table and say out loud what we are thankful. After everyone is done eating and giving thanks the adults usually sit and talk mean while the little kids play.  Even though this may not seem like much to some people. It is enough for me because I get to see my family together reunited, happy and hopeful realize that they are blessed with some many things. Every year good and bad people come into my life; some stick with me and some don’t but it great because my family grow and grows every year. So this means that thanksgiving is never the same every year.

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